Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The manuscript is the original text (never published elsewhere) derived from the results of research, literature review and other scientific reviews.

  1. Intellectual Mathematics Education (IME) publishes scientific studies and research results on mathematics education that contributes to the understanding, development of theories and concepts of science, and its application to mathematics and mathematics education in Indonesia.
  2. Articles must be original, in the sense that they have not been published in other journals or are being considered for publication in other journals and free of plagiarism
  3. Scriptwriting using Indonesian or English correctly. The length of the manuscript is between 8 - 10 pages, A4 size paper, typed 1.15 spaces, Word 2003 and above, Times New Roman, font size 12, upper and lower right margins 2.5cm, and left 3cm.
  • Articles of research results written with the systematics and provisions as follows.
  • Title: written briefly dense, maximum of 14 words, and should reflect the substance of education
  • Author's Name: written without a title, located under the title; articles derived from group research, all members must be listed in the same order.
  • Author Agencies and Addresses: written the name of the institution from which the author originated and the e-mail address located under the author's name; if the author is more than one, the e-mail address is quite the chairman.
  • Abstract: written in two languages, Indonesian and English, one paragraph with the number of words between 150-250 words.
  • Keywords: filled in words or terms that reflect the essence of the concept within the scope of the problem consisting of several words / terms and are mentioned in the title / abstract. Maximum number of keywords is 4 words / set of words. The keywords are written underneath the abstract with a single line spacing and are in bold-bold.
  • Article (i) The article of scientific study consists of an introduction containing problems and a frame of mind or analytical framework based on the study of theory, sub-subtitles containing research methods, discussion, and conclusions. (ii) Research result articles consist of introduction containing background of problem (maximum 20%), method (15%), result and discussion (60%), and conclusion (5%). The discussion should refer to the primary and current references one of which should be from an article in the Intellectual Mathematics Education (IME).
  • Introduction : The Introduction presents the purpose of the studies reported and their relationship to earlier work in the field. It should not be an extensive review of the literature. Use only those references required to provide the most salient background to allow the readers to understand and evaluate the purpose and results of the present study without referring to previous publications on the topic
  • Method : The Methods sections should be brief, but they should include sufficient technical information to allow the experiments to be repeated by a qualified reader. Only new methods should be described in detail. Cite previously published procedures in References.
  • Result and Discussion: The Results should include the rationale or design of the experiments as well as the results of the experiments. Results can be presented in figures, tables, and text. The Discussion should be an interpretation of the results rather than a repetition of the Results.
  • Conclusion: The Conclusion should contain the confirmation of the problem that has been analyzed in result and discussion section.
  • Reference: cultivated most of the primary sources (journals) and only lists the designated resources in the article body. Instead, the names referenced in the body should be in the bibliography.
  • How to refer authors inside article body should mention the author's name, year. Example: Septian (2020). Referrals by second author are avoided as far as possible. For example: Septian & Jusniani (2021).

Articles that go to the editorial table read and recommended by partners bestari and reviewed and selected by the editor. Articles acceptable, accepted by repair, re-submite or rejected.

After submitting, please contact Ari Septian on WA 08121428312